James Shaw
James Shaw is a London-based designer who makes objects and furniture. His work aims to bring out the inherent beauty of diverse materials, often uniting or contrasting handmade and tactile qualities with the structured and systematized. Frequently his work considers the resources around us, challenging the notions of “waste” and "value."
He's probably best known for his work with recycled plastics and for his self-built plastic-extruding gun, which produces gloopy and baroque forms, creating objects of unexpected beauty from a problematic material.
Plastic Baroque D Handle - Medium
$65 /
Neon greenPeachPinkYellowLight blueChartreusePlastic Baroque D Handle - Large
$90 /
PinkPeachYellowLight blueNeon greenChartreusePlastic Baroque D Handle - Small
$45 /
ChartreusePeachPinkYellowLight blueNeon greenPlastic Baroque Knob
$45 /
PeachPinkYellowLight blueNeon greenChartreuse